XCom: Brutesquad vs. the Sectoids
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On the 17th of January the a second small UFO was spotted heading over the suburbs of Budapest and an interceptor brought it down, with night fast approaching the Skyranger lifted off and arrived at the site.

Misguided took the place of Bortin at the back of the Skyranger and all was looking up for the men. The men disembark without a shot fired and Daveman advances towards a pile of farm buildings, the sound of door can be heard opening. He spots a sectoid on the roof and fires off a burst that does nothing. Da_Toad intercepts before the sectoid can fire back and dismembers it with his Auto-Cannon. (This is a BOOYAH! moment, brought to you by....Da_Toad!)

Strummer then makes true on his friendly fire promise and hits the fence that Misguided is huddling behind, he is nearly killed and has only 1 HP left!

The very next turn I had Strummer reload and try again.... not interpreting my order he proceeds to vaporize Misguided’s now unconscious body! ARGH!

In the meantime Bubbles advances to the UFOs main door and receives fire from a sectoid that pops out, it misses and Bubbles, he enters the alien craft and wounds the creature before retreating with no more ACs for shots, the tank finishes it off. On another front the men spot a sectoid in a farm building and D.A. Lewis destroys the wall before hurling in a grenade at the aliens last know position, it explodes without taking it out and the men prepare to enter.

Back at the UFO Bubbles enters again and finds another alien near the rear of the craft, he misses his shot again and retreats further back towards the door, Kaigen and Strummer move to assist. Strummer this time hits his target, the last sectoid in the craft goes down and Kaigen secures the ship.

Back at the farmhouse, the battle continues to rage. Siljanus bursts through a hedgerow while Da_Toad approaches the rear entrance. D.A. Lewis supports them both with his heavier firepower, but it is not needed, the alien was knocked unconscious by the concussion of the grenade and dies from his wounds.

The few DNA fibers that were retrieved of Misguided were given a 21-gun salute back at the base and Commander LaPorte was in the questioning room with Rookie Strummer for several hours. Some of Misguided’s friends from the last shipment of rookies were quite mad at Strummer and talk of getting back at him could be heard among the loose talkers.

On the 20th of January another 10 scientists arrived at the base and the researched was spurned into action with the new brain matter. A day later the Medi-Kit research was done! Members of the Brutesquad rejoiced!

Research then began on the Laser Pistol prototype and with help from the engineers the design was made in less than 24 hours! The techies then went to work on a final 'laser rifle' prototype, to be mass produced for the men.

More engineers arrived in the coming days boosting their numbers to 20 all together!

On the 30th of January with the monthly review only hours away a small UFO was spotted in the North Sea and was eventually shot down over Norway. The squad was sent in!

The tank went down the ramp first, but a sectoid decided to challenge it and unknowingly though a mechanical tank could be STUNNED! It wasn't, but Bubbles, Strummer and D.A. Lewis were all knocked out!

Daveman killed the annoying little sectoid and more were spotted incoming! Kaigen now advances to a hills incline to take cover near it, he spots two sectoids facing him, one with a pistol, the other a rifle and he gets Daveman to toss a grenade between them.

The grenade blast only injured the alien menace and Kaigen came under fire from the retreating aliens, as well the tank took several shots but its think armor plates rebuffed the plasma pistols shots with ease. The tank then advanced and covered by Siljanus and Superdarkdude it took out the offensive alien. Meanwhile near the Skyranger, Kaigen, Daveman and Da_Toad started to advance on the sectoids, firing as they went.

The advance continued while the tank began a pincer movement around the downed UFO. It knocked a sectoid out with one of its think depleted uranium shells and the three men on the other side advanced with its pressure. Daveman then spotted that sectoid getting up and killed it. This allowed the other sectoid to come around the corner and kill Daveman. Kaigen and Da_Toad pressed on, trying to bring it out into the open. Da_Toad pressed on it and avenged Daveman. Now with the threat on the outside of the craft eliminated the men turned their attention to sweeping the small craft.

By now D.A. Lewis had regained consciousness and he grabbed the Heavy Cannon that remained on the craft and quickly got into the fight, him, Kaigen and Da_Toad rushed back to help Siljanus and SuperDarkDude in taking the craft. Kaigen along the way killed the stun gun alien that was only knocked out on the first turn. With the men ready to bust-a-move SuperDarkDude lead into the craft on point.

He spotted two aliens, one facing him the other not. With two bursts they were both dead and the men secured the craft. Mission accomplished!

The monthly review soon came and we were given a spending increase of $438,000! A point total of 903 and not a single terror site!

Thing proceeded smoothly as the month opened up, the Brutesquad had cash savings of over 5 million and another round of base improvements were made. As well more engineers and new supplies were bought for the men. Then on the 4th of the month Lima was attacked by a massive battleship, its size unheard of by the men. Soon downtown Lima was aflame and the men hurried to the craft, Samurai, Ghoul and The Nature Boy suited up for the first time.

On the way to the fight the engineers arrived and the laser rifle prototype was finished. The engineers got to work quickly on it.

The tank was down first as usual and spotted a Reaper. I would be facing the easy floaters! JOY!!! Kaigen was out next and hit the reaper three times for minor wounds. He got behind a light pole and got ready for more action. More shots came from near a gas station now, floaters getting into the fight. Kaigen and Siljanus were almost hit as the men tried to secure the LZ.

Strummer took out the Reaper with three more shots of his Heavy Cannon, taking it down took 4 HC-AP shots and over half a dozen rifle rounds! Strummer and Da_Toad kept on killed, each of them took out another floater and the men started pushing back on the aliens. By now D.A. Lewis and Samurai had added their guns to Strummers and 2 Heavy Cannons and a Auto-Cannon cleared a path through a Reaper infested street, the tank scouting out their targets.

By now Kaigen had snuck into a now demolished convenience store and thought it was clear - it wasn't - the Sergeant was dead seconds later. This sacrifice WAS in vain. Siljanus found his killer and The Nature Boy killed it. D.A. Lewis took out another floater, and the men continued to advance further.

Further on things get blurry. No one else died, and D.A. Lewis and Samurai kicked relative alien ass.....that is, if aliens have asses? Do they?

It was by now Mid-February, and the men had no new UFOs to deal with. The sole one detect was instantly destroyed by a long range Avalanche missile over the Sahara desert, and its flaming hulk was claiming by the sands within minutes.

However on the scientific and engineering front, things progressed. 16 laser rifles were made by the middle of the month and the alien alloys had been fully researched!

The research into the alien alloys may hold clues into further research in body armor and new Brutesquad aircraft designs in the future.

By the 23rd of February the Motion Scanner and Personal Armor had been fully developed, and the latter went into mass production with the newly made alien alloys. Research was now made upon the floater medic who was captured in Lima at the beginning of the month.

Only a day later the 7th UFO was spotted, once again the FA-22s lifted off from the Mediterranean and tried to intercept over the Sahara desert. The first interceptor made contact a little more than an hour after the beginning of the flight and was over Libya at the time, the UFO evaded two of the three Avalanche missiles and was only moderately damaged in the assault. It was able to outrun the FA-22 before the main cannon could be brought into range. This the second FA-22 was launched, it began the chase with the first interceptor. The UFO led them over the African continent and it was not until the pilots were over Ethiopia that the first interceptor again closed on the UFO. Its wing was hit by a plasma shot, but it was only minor damaged, it pressed the attack and this time the cannon came into play! SUCCESS! The UFO was shot down, but darkness was fast approaching and the men didn't want to go into the East African jungle at night. The assault would have to wait until day, when the laser rifle could have its first field test.

The Skyranger left base several hours after the return of the FA-22s with an 8 man squad + the robotic tank. Strummer was the first man out and he clutched his Heavy Cannon with an iron grip. He was now one of the most experienced men left on the squad with three kills, in a tie for the squad lead. He spotted a floater several yard away near a shrub and opened fire. His shot caused only minor wounds, and it shot back, plasma nearly ending Strummer’s life, too close for comfort!

Sergeant Bubbles was out next but he missed with a burst from the Heavy Auto-Cannon the shots destroying a tree near the inhuman creature. Finally the Captain put an end to the danger as the first laser shots were fired, the floater was soon alien sushi, deep fried I might add.

Floaters by now had started coming out of the destroyed crafts damaged roof and Sergeant Bubbles took a life ending shot to the side. He was dead in seconds the wound self- cauterizing. In response Strummer and Siljanus scattered, Siljanus took cover behind a cherry tree and fired upon a floater above its now burning craft. Its screams still haunt my dreams. Strummer took cover near another shrubbery and soon D.A. Lewis came off the ramp with the heavy guns! He spotted Bubbles killed and with a trained eye the large rocket soon turned his killer into giblets.

The final alien was soon spotted and several plasma shots damaged the robotic tank severely. However it fought back and the mission was over!

Strummer gets promoted for some unknown reason.


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